A Longing - miss you
The longing penetrates the heart deeplyThe days go by ever so slowly
Sunrise to sunset there’s only you in my memory
Heaviness sets in as my eyes become teary.
Opening the window I see the moon shining brightly
Illuminating the darkness giving hope to many
But no matter how hard I stare at nature’s beauty
It just isn’t as magical without you beside me.
The alarm rings and birds are chirping noisily
A new day and a new beginning it should be
But the same yearning occupies my mind so strongly
Because in my heart the love for you burns eternally.
A Love That Never Dips poem:
If only I could plant a kissOn your face and then your lips
So many things about you I miss
Without you, loneliness grips
As the distance between us persists
The yearning steadily drips
Though the miles I can’t dismiss
My love for you never dips.
Wish You Are Here - other Poems
I thought I won’t feel so blueWhen to another place you flew
But before the week is through
I’m already at a loss of what to do
The longing, I just never knew
Can be so overwhelming, it’s true
Guess I’m really missing you
And wishing you’re here too.

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